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Walkers Tours BlogCategory Archives : Wild Life Sri Lanka

Category Archives : Wild Life Sri Lanka

12th November 2020
Sri Lanka is such an awe-inspiring place to visit you need much more than a couple of days to take in its many natural and cultural wonders. That said, if you are planning a weekend getaway to this enchanting island, you can still look forward to som…
15th September 2020
Sri Lanka- the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, once known as the Ceylon is a must-visit country in the South Asian region. Not only because it has a very rich culture and heritage, but because of so much more! Where to head to in Sri Lanka? If time permit…
7th April 2019
If you’re planning to tour Sri Lanka, you should definitely make plans to view the island’s amazing wildlife. In recent times, Sri Lanka has been cited as a premier destination for safari-goers outside of Africa. This is in large part due to the…